Jeff Bridges for The Wall Street Journal.
August 18, 2014“You got the wrong guy. I’m the Dude, man.”
Exactly a week ago, I was at Studio 225 in Chelsea, living the best 20 minutes of my professional life.
The previous friday, Ronnie Weil at WSJ, who instantly made it from my top 10 to my top 5 people, ousting both Oprah and my mum, had asked me to photograph ”His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know… You’re not into the whole brevity thing.” Mr Jeff Bridges!
The shoot went really fast, it’s all a bit blurry in my head. Luckily, The Wall Street Journal posted a cool behind-the-scene on their photoblog. The article by the unstoppable Alexandra Wolfe is here.
UPDATE: I answer a few questions about the shoot on my excellent friend Joao Carlos’ blog, check it out here!
I even talk a little bit about technique which is extremely rare