David Fricke in Rolling Stone Colombia

I already posted those last year and wrote how the always bombastic Leslie Dela Vega had sneaked me into Rolling Stone’s tiny video studio, on a mission to trick David Fricke into posing for a long-due new contrib portrait. 

I was a little bummed at the time because I really like those photos and they had not gotten much visibility. Luckily, the lovely people at RS Colombia (Muchas gracias Diego Ortiz!), offered them a cool second life.  

Acceder a la entrevista aquí!

Fun fact/ Leslie found me that small gig as an emergency, after i threatened her to permanently plank on her desk, wearing nothing but a french flag speedo till she hired me. 

Craig Kallman, CEO of Atlantic Records & collector for Billboard.

A couple of weeks ago, Billboard sent me up to photograph Atlantic Records’ CEO Craig Kallman who’s also a compulsive collector of records (he has 750 000, yup!), music related memorabilia and amazing vintage rock photography.

So obsessive in fact that, according to wikipedia, this is the second largest private music collection in the world… 

And he had to get an apartment to stash it, with 2 toilets: one dedicated to Soul music, the other one to punk rock.

And here is what it looks like in the mag.

Grooming by Megan Lanoux, and a big up to my boo Amelia Halverson at Billboard for sending me to cool places and paying me obnoxiously well.

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